Our starter pack deluxe expands our most commonly used products for udder care. These products are great to have on hand in case a problem arises.
This pack includes:
Mastic Udder Oil is for those cows that won’t lower their problems, or for flakey problems. My son had several cows that were just like this. No matter what we did, nothing would lower these cow’s until he used MASTIC UDDER OIL. MASTIC is an oil product made from 100% organic ingredients that comes in a 16 dose/8 fl oz bottle with a “pop-up” straw for easy extraction. It is an organic approved product and there is no withholding, which means you can keep your milk in the tank. Farmers like to mix this product with Yellow Jacket.
Yellow Jacket is our best seller for those “hard” cases that go away but keep coming back. Typical signs may include clots or chunks, thicker, and/or sometimes yellow-ish in color. It can be used alone or alternated with some of our other products for a broader coverage. Yellow Jacket is a liquid product that comes in a 16 dose/16 fl oz bottle with a “pop-up” straw for easy extraction. It is an organic approved product and there is no withholding, which means you can keep your milk in the tank.
Excell 7000 which is a broad coverage product that is great when you’re unsure of the problem you are having. Excell 7000 pairs well with many of our other products. Ex-cell 7000 is a liquid product that comes in a 16 dose/16 fl oz bottle with a “pop-up” straw for easy extraction. It is an organic approved product and there is no withholding, which means you can keep your milk in the tank.
Superior Cow Cream is an oil-based cream that is made with real peppermint, essential oils, and a specialty blend of herbal tinctures. An oil-based cream will stay moist longer, meaning you use less and it will draw the herbs into the applied area rather than just sitting on top of the skin. S.C.C. Superior Cow Cream is made with 100% natural and organic ingredients and can be used alone or with our liquid products. It is an organic approved product that does not require withholding.
A reusable 20cc nylon syringe with feeding nozzle to make oral doses easier.